Prayer Requests Received Via the Website

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  • #1050

    The following prayer requests were received on the Calix website. You can submit your prayer requests at the bottom of the Calix homepage .
    • I have been 20 months sober now and somehow Alcoholics Anonymous do its 12-step program has accomplished out for me bring me closer to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! What do I mean by somehow? Is that I’m not one to open up at a meeting but yet I managed to stay sober by following the 12 steps. But I find myself full of fear and anxiety because of not being able to open up in a group setting so I feel that I need a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ through his mother the Virgin Mary! A lot of times if I’m not experiencing fear and anxiety I will get instead melancholy feelings. I feel that everything is okay in my life but yet I look at the negative of everything instead of being happy for what I have. I will like to find prayer groups in my area that I can participate with. Thank you very much for your prayers God bless! Dan S. 8/8/2017
    • Recovery, reconciliation with my wife Mary after current separation, and reuniting us all as a family with our six children. Ray F 8/29/17
    • For the repose of the soul of John Forest who died from the disease of addiction and for his family who mourn. Sheila D 8/30/17
    • My mother in law. Lee H. who is in hospice now. Pray for restful passing into eternal life with Jesus our Lord. Dale C. 8/31/17
    • For the humility to commit to working the 12 steps of the AA program of recovery. I’m currently working on my first 24 hours. Nick R. 9/13/17
    • I am a devout Catholic living on the island of Guam since 2010. I have struggled alcohol addiction since 1990 with only one sober period from 2000 to 2005. Please pray for my deliverance which I sorely need and desire. Thank you. Steven K. 9/28/17
    • For my friend Dan who is struggling with detox from alcohol addiction, that he may continue with the rehab treatment he needs. Deacon Don S. 9/28/17

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